Join May 20 2024 Stream Today!

The Perfect Plan for Starting your Tajweed Journey

Registration Form

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Most Popular

Monthly Plan

You will be billed on a monthly basis for a period of 6 months starting the day you have signed up.

$50 (USD)/month

One Time Payment Plan

You will be billed once. You will save 17% by signing up for the full course (which is 6 month long).

$250 (USD) One Time Payment

Our Tajweed Expert Risk-Free Guarantee

The results and reviews of participants speak for themselves - all praise belongs to Allah. But in the unlikely circumstance that you don't experience  any positive  transformation in the quality of your recitation, then you have a  30-Day Full Refund Guarantee. 

That’s our promise to you because we are confident in the course and because we want this to be a worthwhile investment for you. 


Quran Prep

The Quran Prep is the foundational course we designed for you to improve accuracy, fluency, and accelerate your journey towards building an everlasting relationship with the Quran.

Learn the secrets and master the art of Quranic recitation.

Quran Prep is a hands-on, comprehensive, 6-months online course that empowers you to self-correct alongside your recitation by laying a strong foundation in understanding the Arabic alphabet, pronunciation rules, and basic Tajweed (rules of recitation)

Reading Skills is one of the most important steps in your Quran connection journey.

Questions Students Have Asked Before Joining

Who is the target audience for this Qaidah course?

This course is designed for busy Muslim women who want to learn to read the Quran satisfactorily without compromising their responsibilities at work or home.

I'm a complete beginner. Can I still enroll in this course?

Yes, anyone at any level can join if they can identify the Arabic letters. The course takes you from the fundamentals to the intermediate level.

How long is the duration of the course?

The course is spanned over 6 months, designed for the convenience of students who are busy but committed to the transformation they seek.

What is the qualification of the instructor?

The instructor is someone like you who struggled until they found a method that works and has received permission to teach others. She can relate to challenges faced by non-Arab learners.

How is the content delivered?

Each session is part theoretical and part practical. We dive into deep insights and knowledge on each topic but also walk you through practical exercises and models.

How much time should I dedicate to the course per week?

An average student puts in 3 hours of study per week.

Are there any prerequisites for enrolling in the course?

You must be able to recognize Arabic letters.

How can I access the course materials and resources?

All study resources are uploaded in the student portal, which is accessible on the website or through our Telegram group.
They are conducted online to cater to students across different time zones and work schedules.

What is the refund policy if I am not satisfied with the course?

We offer the Tajweed expert guarantee. You will get a 100% refund if you still cannot read with Tajweed after 6 months of attending the classes and doing the assignments.

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