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All The Light in Your Head is About To Go Off

Read the Quran with a high level of confidence and accuracy and connect all the missing dots you’ve always worried about.

Do you find yourself struggling to recite the Quran fluently

Have you tried to learn the Quran more than once but still find yourself struggling? 

Maybe you have wondered if you would ever move past this stage of constant frustration? 

Or you envy other Muslimahs, doodling their insights while reading the Quran but you cannot even dream of this because… 

You still struggle to recite fluently.

Have you always craved deep connection to the Quran? 

You may have recently seen how the power of the Quran is making thousands of people embrace Islam and you want to experience such a mind-blowing connection while reciting the Quran, but you shriek at hearing your own recitation of the Quran. 

 For a fact, don’t you want your recitation to be the talk of the family? 

Don’t you also want to earn the reward of teaching your children and relatives to recite the Quran properly and continue to enjoy the reward even after you depart this world? 

Only three(3) things are stopping you from achieving and living this dream.  


You need an experienced instructor who genuinely sees value in holding your hands to master the art of recitation within a short time.


You need to identify the root reasons that are responsible for the current mistakes you are making and be intentional in wanting to change the situation.


A supportive community where your learning experience will be eventful and fun to traverse - just like an adventure.

It really doesn’t matter If you;

Have struggled with different classes in the past, it may not have been your fault completely. 

Have imposter syndrome, and don’t ever finish things you start (I understand, most of my students come with the same struggle) 

Are a super busy mom joggling between marital responsibilities, professional job and your side hustle.

Women like you are the ones this course is designed for. 

Join Quran Prep and establish your connection with the Quran today!

In just 6 months, you’ll be able to apply the rules of Tajweed to every single word in the Quran! 

Why watching Tajweed videos on YouTube is NOT enough.

When I looked back at the Tajweed lessons, I took that didn’t work for me – academy after academy – I finally recognized the pattern. 

Hmm… Those were the lessons with Zero clarity – abstract conceptualization. I didn’t really know the direction the videos were taking and there wasn’t support or feedback on my mistakes and improvements. It was all happening in my mind.  

The Prophet Muhammadﷺ may Allah, the All-Mighty extol his mention, said in an authentic hadith,

 “The one who is skilled in reciting Qur’an will be with the noble, honourable scribes and the one who recites Qur’an and falters therein, and finds it difficult, will have a double reward.”

So you trust that you will earn the reward for struggling while reciting the Quran BUT… 

…now comes the strategy, the consistent good deeds and habits that’ll walk you towards your manifested Goal, in sha Allah.   

This is the vital system needed  especially when the Ramadan high disappears. 

Here are What Sisters Have to Say About Their Experience With Quranprep

Sis Aamina has been a game-changer for me. The personalized feedback and structured approach helped me master tajweed. Highly recommended!

    Layla S.

    Life Coach

    I can't thank Sis Aamina enough for the profound impact it had on my recitation. The course not only improved my skills but also deepened my love for the Quran.

      Mariam H.


      Sis Aamina exceeded my expectations. The positive transformation in my relationship with the Quran is invaluable. Thank you for this amazing experience!

        Summayah A.

        Aspiring Doctor

        Struggling with tajweed was frustrating until I joined QuranPrep. Sis Aamina's expertise and the course's thoroughness made all the difference.

          Zainab K.

          Sis Aamina brought consistency to my recitation. The course's focus on harmony and tranquility helped me connect deeply with the Quran.

            Nadia R.

            I've tried countless YouTube tutorials with no luck. Sis Aamina's clarity and support are unmatched. My recitation has improved, and I finally feel confident.

              Rashidat M.


              I'm Ready to Improve My Quran

              Struggling to recite with Tajweed and longing to master the art of recitation once and for all? QuranPrep provides the guidance and support you need.

              Let's begin this journey. 

              Let's Begin

              The Ramadan high WILL disappear - so what's your strategy?

              I invite you to shift your learning approach. You need a proven framework which will show you how you can confidently become a beautiful Quran reciter- all while fulfilling your responsibilities as a sister, wife, mother and professional.   

              It is essential to develop the clarity and confidence to own your learning choices, to meet your personal needs RIGHT FROM START– it’s possible! - and ultimately you need to know how to guide your children, not avoid their Quran questions.

              Finally, you need to learn how to create a beautiful, Robb- ‘abd bond with your Lord, Insha’Allah.  


              Quran Prep

              The Quran Prep is the foundational course we designed for you to improve accuracy, fluency, and accelerate your journey towards building an everlasting relationship with the Quran.

              Learn the secrets and master the art of Quranic recitation.

              Quran Prep is a hands-on, comprehensive, female only, 6-months online course that empowers you to self-correct alongside your recitation by laying a strong foundation in understanding the Arabic alphabet, pronunciation rules, and basic Tajweed (rules of recitation)

              Reading Skills is one of the most important steps in your Quran connection journey.

              I'm Ready to Improve My Quran

              Struggling to recite with Tajweed and longing to master the art of recitation once and for all? QuranPrep provides the guidance and support you need.

              Let's begin this journey. 

              Let's Begin

              Learn the secrets and master the art of Tajweed

              • Register and choose your Payment Plan. 
              • Join the Telegram channel to access the link to your group.
              • Begin attending your live online class. 
              • Receive direct instructions on concepts. 
              • Get practical feedback on the spot. 
              • Submit weekly assessment and receive immediate response.  
              • Attend Mock exams in preparation for final exams. 
              • Receive your Quran Prep Certificate of Completion. 

              Our Tajweed Expert Risk-Free Guarantee

              The results and reviews of participants speak for themselves - all praise belongs to Allah. But in the unlikely circumstance that you don't experience  any positive  transformation in the quality of your recitation, then you have a  30-Day Full Refund Guarantee. 

              That’s our promise to you because we are confident in the course and because we want this to be a worthwhile investment for you. 

              Is QuranPrep for you?

              It is for you, if you need to…

              Unlock Your Potential

              Not getting as much out of YouTube as you feel you should? QuranPrep is here to help you maximize your learning experience.

              Find Tranquility

              Seeking tranquility, harmony, and consistency in your Quran recitation? QuranPrep offers a structured approach to enhance your recitation skills.

              Master Tajweed

              Struggling to recite with tajweed and longing to master the art of recitation once and for all? QuranPrep provides the guidance and support you need.

              Transform Your Relationship

              Looking to achieve a positive transformation and build an enviable relationship with the Quran? QuranPrep is the perfect companion on your journey of spiritual growth.

              Questions Students Have Asked Before Joining

              Who is the target audience for this Qaidah course?

              This course is designed for busy Muslim women who want to learn to read the Quran satisfactorily without compromising their responsibilities at work or home.

              I'm a complete beginner. Can I still enroll in this course?

              Yes, anyone at any level can join if they can identify the Arabic letters. The course takes you from the fundamentals to the intermediate level.

              How long is the duration of the course?

              The course is spanned over 6 months, designed for the convenience of students who are busy but committed to the transformation they seek.

              What is the qualification of the instructor?

              The instructor is someone like you who struggled until they found a method that works and has received permission to teach others. She can relate to challenges faced by non-Arab learners.

              How is the content delivered?

              Each session is part theoretical and part practical. We dive into deep insights and knowledge on each topic but also walk you through practical exercises and models.

              How much time should I dedicate to the course per week?

              An average student puts in 3 hours of study per week.

              Are there any prerequisites for enrolling in the course?

              You must be able to recognize Arabic letters.

              How can I access the course materials and resources?

              All study resources are uploaded in the student portal, which is accessible on the website or through our Telegram group.
              They are conducted online to cater to students across different time zones and work schedules.

              What is the refund policy if I am not satisfied with the course?

              We offer the Tajweed expert guarantee. You will get a 100% refund if you still cannot read with Tajweed after 6 months of attending the classes and doing the assignments.

              Couldn’t find the answer you were looking for? Don’t hesitate to
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